Thursday, October 22, 2009

quoted: dickson.

...alone by ~nunoramos0

Ever have that one person in your life that you just can’t give up on, the one person that can screw you over time after time yet you always seem to give them another chance, and no matter how many times you say this is their last one, you know it’s a lie because there’s always just one more waiting for them. the one person you know you’re better off without but yet you can’t find a way to let them go because deep down inside, you wouldn’t know what to do without them. The one person you know doesn’t deserve you but yet you choose to overlook it because you love her. -dickson.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

ka ching.

first pay's in.

i told mum, its been 2 years since my bank acct seen 4 figure. haha.

Friday, October 09, 2009

2nd shot.

i was quite free today, doing some research online, and saw this photo. i suspect that it is taken from my office, so i am so going to try and take a second shot photo- the time difference is definitely more than 50 years!

this is going to be challenging.