Tuesday, August 07, 2007

同事 · 朋友

知道M只是在开玩笑,但只是听到她这么说,it gets me into deep thoughts。


说者或许只是开玩笑,但其实听者会觉得满sad 的。i mean, ok la i can understand the reality of this society.. that colleagues should not cross the line of being friends.. but well, after all working together might result in a situation where you see these colleagues more than you see everyone else- ur family, classmates, friends. since then why cannot be friends? i don't understand.

havent been into contact with the classmates since grad.. suddenly, i found out that i have turned exactly like them- only knowing how they are thru their blog, jus like how they know how i am through my blog.

its saddening. i knew it would come. just that, i didnt expect it to come so quickly. comm'on whats wrong with this world man. this is making me sick. and want to escape all these..