went to his performance with mabel last night at suntec. its actually a annual dinner for a particular MLM co. haa! thou had to wait for like 3 hours before he sings, its totally worth it! he sang like more than 10 songs la.. and the seat is so strategic. thanks to mabel for the invitation!
while packing my things some times ago, saw the weekly journal that i used to do with AC. there will be a theme set and i would write some thing. she would in turn write some comments and sharing of opinions on the topic.
AC says she no longer has time to do it with me anymore, and commented that i still has my blog to do it. but 曾几何时,我的博客已不再是我能抒发我的情绪与意见的地方了。
i miss the times.. where there is a place i can air my emotions.. i can get honest opinions and people really care. i cant even write all in MY blog now. cos people is watching, and they are scrutinising. sadly, it sometimes even became a place where people hate me get information and tag at my board.
friends- i really scared le. those who were there, and said they will be there, arent here anymore. those who are still here, has pretty much a life of their own too. i am really sick of people missing me out in their outings and the only reason they gave is cos some one else doesnt like me is going. i dont know how i should feel. i feel that i sucks. cos despite knowing those peeps for so long.. i am forsaken cos of this kind of reason. my heart felt cold. why do i stop asking people out? stop asking me and say i keep MIAing. ask yourselves. i am tired. and sick, of all these.
and not only that, i am feeling worthless with reasons like my family. when will i ever get over it? i dont think it will ever end.
was packing my things recently cos moved house.. saw alot of things, some still needed but some not. but why are they still kept? i think i have kept a little far too much "junks"- things that has 太过沉重的记忆与意义。