Friday, February 20, 2009

thank you.

to mrs quek and joseph over the concern at fb. didnt expect any reply at all when i posted those things.. but well i am really touched by the comments!

thanks mrs quek, for he support thru out the years..
thanks joseph, though i don't even know you at a personnel level at all.. your words of encouragement really perked me..


the cyberspace has became a place which i have lots of qualms on.. no doubt its my blog, but people is watching this space. my life, and how i am making a fool of myself in it.

people come here for gossips, to know how i am doing, to know all sorts of things. even my cousin and godma comes here!

but i really dunno if this is still that space that i can post my thoughts freely, like i used to be. 有些事是我觉得可以说的,想要说的,其实却是不能说的。因为会引起太多人的揣测,没必要的争论,关心我的人的担心。。

having said that, i will still post my thoughts here la. haha. my dumping ground!