Sunday, May 03, 2009

If there're seasons?

"这里只有天气, 没有季节, 我很想看看下雪..."

missed the sold-out run in 2007 cos i was cheated by radio 1003, but this time round i did not miss it! 还是实实在在靠自己的钱买票比较可靠! 哈哈..

anw, i totally dun regret going to it! i think part of the reasons why people find that its good is cos of the emotional attachment they have to the songs that is written by liang wen fu (which is incorporated into the musical), and being the usual ah-peh-trapped-in-a-young-body me i totally enjoyed it! 或许出生在80年代末的我并没来得及赶上新谣最好的年代,但梁文福后来的创作我还是很喜欢! songs like 陪我看日出totally rocks! also, thanks to my cousin who IS born in that golden era, thanks for sharing all these good songs with me.

the story plot is also nice, i like the theme- homecoming. have read some reviews online and i do agree with what some if them said, that the start and ending are at a cemetry is a rather good part to bring out the theme. that home town is also a place where you 落叶归根 after you passed away, not only a place where you life happens.

the actors and actresses are also quite good, some pleasant surprises are the kitchen uncle and dishwashing auntie, which totally livens up the show!

当爱人已逝, 是该沉醉于心中的感情, 还是该敞开胸怀, 重新生活?
当理想受挫, 是该向残酷的命运低头, 还是该风雨兼程, 抬头挺胸?
当真爱来临, 是该犹犹豫豫不知所措, 还是该勇往直前, 大胆追求?