hello everyone. its "kelvin-clearing-his-name" time again! *haha hasnt had this segment for a long long time..*
1) last minute event
yes it is. it is only organised the day before it happened. and excuse me i said unorganised. not POORLY organised! i am not so nasty k?
2) all you ungrateful people
no i am not one. i smsed angi happy birthday early in the morn. we organised a sentosa trip to celerate. how ungrate am i can u explain?
3) on my birthday
ahhem. its you but not me who mentioned my birthday. remember? i said that u asked me "you also dont want to spend ur birthday alone rite?" i was just stating a fact - i was alone. wads wrong with this remark? i am not ironic. its you. cos u brought up this issue. i should be the one asking, wad has it got to do with my birthday?
4) selfish friend who jus take but not give
i have a clear conscience that i am at least not a bad friend. i turned up for my friend's birthday when i could! i wouldnt say i am always one, cos
i am not a saint! we tried to organise a sentosa trip! please dont point finger at others, cos when you do that, 3 of ur other finger is pointed at urself.
5) Frisbee during TEP
hello.. its a school event. and
i need to exercise mind you. Anw its really fun!
6) think of you being tired
only you can tired ar? please try to recall wad u say to me when i say i am tired k. we are all schooling people. every1 is tired. but we still made an effort to turn up! of cos i GOT think about u being tired cos i am! but anyone tot of me? when i fall sick that day?
7) repeatedly sms
i receive 1 sms and 1 fone call. thank you.
8) disappointing
so am i. i am the attitude one wad. i am the bad tempered one wad.
no diff. if you are so not disappointing y u cant turn up for the sat event? explain!!!
if there isnt this episode i wud b going to the sentosa event in the morning even when i have a wedding dinner to attend in the nite. no saying this to try to be the good guy but its realli wad i planned. herry is the witness.
*this entry is not wrote to blame anyone. i jus want to do some clarifying. not pushing blame or wad so ever!