Sunday, January 08, 2006


i can'e believe what i have heard. is singaporeans too fcuking fortunate and safe or what?

"so troublesome"

"waste my time"

reportedly what some people said when there is and emergency excercise this morn.

how do you know when there will be a bonb or what? still say government didn't warn and make the people prepared.. hello you noe wad is an EMERGENCY not? if can prepare then its not emergency liao lor! its a good chance to see if you are prepared for this kind of situation or not and all you say is this? and some even says it shouldn't be conducted at the morning when people is rushing.

excuse me, u think terrorist stupid one ar? of cos they will choose the peak period when there is alot of people rite? please use some COMMON SENSE... or borrow from someone common if you think you are too extraordinary to have... wahlau! i can't believe this is the kind of attitude some singaporeans have!!

maybe its high time singapore tries to enhance the social studies or what ever subjects that teaches people this moral... otherwise one day maybe there is a real bomb and the siren is sounded at the bus interchange, u will still hear some stupid fools complaining how troublesome it is.. luckily i am not there.. otherwise i going to say yong hui's favourite phrase.. "you want me slap you ar?"


anw.. this two days has been super hibernating period! luckily its weekend.. has been raining nonstop since last evening (sat).. now then jus stop for a while.. i think i spent about 70% of my time to day on my comfy bed in the blanket. and 60% of that 70% i am sleeping.. whoo~ long time hasnt had such good life liao.. rain rain i love you.. muahaha.. but tml is going to be bad lor cos nyp being the "low land" area is definately going to have many flooding places.. and IM being at level one inevitably will have some floods here there to at the corridoors.... haha.. play with water!