anw, last nite was the outing for belated fraw's bdae. walking ard plus dinner at puncak. everything was quite fine and nice.. we even took nep print! it was long since the last time we took... and the rain was big on my way home! haa..
雨好大.. 有一点后悔没带伞出门,但也已近半夜了,总不能要家人捎把伞到车站来吧?
好久没淋那么大的雨了.. 此时的mp3, 播的是燕姿的《我不难过》。感觉很对。雨水能洗去我心里的不快乐吗?雨过天晴后,我真的能不在难过吗?现实总不是如此..
我喜欢淋雨的感觉.. 尤其是独自一人,在夜深人静的时候。有人问过我,为什么会喜欢夜深人静这种一个人过的时间。